Gauge stations

Gagin stations for ČHMÚ and Povodí Companies


Since 2004,telemetric stations M4016-G3 have been used at gagin stations in Czech Hydro Meteorological Institute and Povodí Companies in the whole Czech Republic. Our company was the first which used of GPRS data communication instead of dial-up or radio communication.

Gagin stations for ČHMÚ and Povodí Companies


Monitoring system of automatic gagin stations is yearly increasing. The incomplete list of gagin stations with telemetric stations M4016-G3, which owners are Czech Hydro Meteorological Institute and Povodí Companies, is published on the web site On this web site are publicly available graphs of actual river condition.


Gagin stations for ČHMÚ and Povodí Companies

Also, we installed more than 150 stream gauge stations for villages, cities, research institutes and Agricultural water management. These stations measure water level and are a part of the flood-protection warning system. The describtion of flood-protection warning system is in its chapter.
